Wednesday, January 08, 2003

The other kind of terrorism

Some stories worth following:

Matt Hale arrested for plotting federal judge's death

Matt Hale, the controversial leader of the racist World Church of the Creator, was arrested this afternoon at the Dirksen Federal Building and accused of conspiring to kill a federal judge.

Hale, 31, of East Peoria, asked “an individual” between Nov. 29 and Dec. 17 last year to kill U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow, who ruled against him and his group in a recent court case, prosecutors alleged, providing few other details. The individual was not named.

Hale had been scheduled to appear before Lefkow today for a contempt hearing and possibly faced going to jail for failing to follow the judge’s orders.

Hale’s organization had blasted the judge on its Web site, using anti-Semitic and racial slurs to urge its white supremacist members to “show the k--- and n----- - loving judge that the jailing of . . . Hale will not stop our Church of the Creator!”

Mark Pitcavage at the ADL offers an appropriate reminder: "Law enforcement agencies in areas where there are WCOTC members/supporters should be very vigilant, as violent retaliatory incidents have occurred in the past when WCOTC suffered reverses (Benjamin Smith being the best example, and the alleged Judge Lefkow incident that sparked Hale's arrest being another)."

No apprehensions in first militia border patrol

TOMBSTONE -- The Tombstone-based Civil Homeland Defense began patrolling for illegal Mexican border crossers Saturday, but no apprehensions or incidents were reported.

Chris Simcox, organizer of the volunteer group and publisher of the Tombstone Tumbleweed, planned to start armed patrols this weekend, including one with invited media today.

Simcox left for the patrol early Saturday morning, said Kate Hargrave, assistant editor of the Tumbleweed.

This is a real mess waiting to erupt. We've seen a real increase in Patriot-oriented groups being coddled by officialdom in the past few years, the other notable case being the Klamath River dispute.