Friday, March 07, 2003

Serious as murder

Just as I noted the concern about the militias' activities on the U.S.-Mexico border, this was forwarded to me:

Slain immigrant called 9th victim in Arizona spree
Wednesday, March 5, 2003 PHOENIX, Arizona (Reuters) -- A Mexican man who was found shot to death in a rural area outside Phoenix appears to be the ninth victim in a string of execution-style murders of illegal immigrants, police said Wednesday.

The body of the unidentified man was found early on Wednesday by a passerby, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. Arpaio said the victim, who was in his 30s, had been shot at close range, his hands bound behind his back.

"We're positive that all the murders are related," Arpaio told Reuters.

Eight other illegal immigrants have been slain since last March, killed in much the same manner before being dumped by the roadside. All the victims were male, bound before they were killed and all but one of those murdered was shot.

Hubbard has said that the spate of killings had generated a deluge of telephone calls from concerned people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. The incidents also have been brought to the attention of high-level officials in the Mexican government in hopes of generating leads in the case.

And also, perhaps, reminding them what happens when you don't cooperate with Team Bush?

Is this the kind of "trouble" that's "not stirred up by anybody except the people" to which Bush referred in his Copley News Service interview? Is this the "non-governmental" response that Mexico might expect if its delegation doesn't vote the right way in the U.N. Security Council?