Wednesday, April 16, 2003

More 'prowar' thuggery

From the Weatherford Daily News in Weatherford, Okla. [Web site doesn’t show the whole story]:

Counter protestors show up in force
Peace rally draws few
Weatherford’s Coalition for the Promotion of Peace encountered a hostile crowd Saturday when a small group gathered for a peace rally in Centennial Park.

Approximately 300 bikers, military family members and other Weatherford residents showed up in full force to counter-protest the coalition’s actions.

Only Nina Kelso, Rachel Jackson and James Branum showed up for the coalition. A handful of its other members left as soon as they saw the angry crowd.

“I think these peace people bit off a little more than they could chew,” Veteran Les Guesby said. “I’ve never seen anything like this in Weatherford.

The counter protestors surrounded and backed the peace promoters up against a light pole. When the coalition tried to speak, its members were either silenced by chants of “USA, USA” or interrupted by shouts from angry biker, military mothers and veterans.

Other "pro-war" protests have seen a high turnout from the biker crowd as well.

[A tip o' the Hatlo Hat to Bruce Forst for the tip.]