Monday, June 23, 2003

Camp fires

My friend Kari Huus reports in on the latest Aryan Congress in northern Idaho:

Aryan Nations plots a comeback at Idaho campout

As other reports have suggested, the white-supremacist movement is largely in disarray, for which we can all be thankful.

I particularly noted this quote, near the end:
"My impression is that people of Coeur d’Alene don’t like Aryan Nations because it is a fringe group and because it was bad for business," said one Idaho lawyer who asked not to be named. "It bothered me that they didn’t seem as disgusted by what (the racist groups) were saying."

A telling point, and one worth making: Even still, there is far too much excuse-making, rationalization and easy dismissal of white supremacists from all sectors of society, including local sentiments in places where they set up shop.

In the meantime, I could have sworn that was Richard Butler under that hood in O Brother, Where Art Thou? singing, "O death, won't you spare me over till another year..."