Speaking of ridiculous lawsuits:
James Nichols sues Michael Moore
Nichols, you may recall, escaped prosecution, though there were in fact many questions that lingered about the extent of his involvement with his brother Terry's participation with Tim McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing.
I can't imagine Nichols filing this as a nuisance suit -- I'd guess he really does intend to sue.
This is one case where discovery -- particularly when it comes to examining James Nichols' involvement in Oklahoma City -- would be very, very interesting indeed.
In any event, while Bowling for Columbine is an uneven film, the segment with Nichols is priceless. Moore essentially just let Nichols ramble. (This was my own favorite interviewing technique with right-wing extremists.) The strange thing about Nichols' suit is that he really can't claim Moore distorted his words.