Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The anti-Hutton Gibson

My favorite story of the day:
Will Eisner Draws a Rebuttal

I've always enjoyed Eisner's work a great deal, especially The Spirit (several copies of which are in my vault). If you read him much, you always knew he had a social conscience -- and you've gotta love how his fighting spirit is still raging at age 86.
This latest work, called "The Plot," tells the story behind the creation of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the infamous Russian forgery that purported to reveal a Jewish plan to rule the world. Mr. Eisner, the son of Jews who fled Europe, has reached into the past to say something about the present: a time, he says, when anti-Semitism is again on the rise.

"I was surfing the Web one day when I came across this site promoting 'The Protocols' to readers in the Mideast," said Mr. Eisner, 86. "I was amazed that there were people who still believed 'The Protocols' were real, and I was disturbed to learn later that this site was just one of many that promoted these lies in the Muslim world. I decided something had to be done."

Just in case you needed to read something to counter all of today's coverage of The Passion.