Thursday, March 11, 2004

He vants to rule the world

Look, we always knew Larry Klayman, the head of Judicial Watch and a leading figure in the impeachment drama, was a bit off the wall in his obsession about "getting" the Clintons. He represented in many ways the worst, most fanatical side of the GOP in that episode. (This was the guy who sued his own mother.)

Lately, David Corn has been reporting in The Nation about the likelihood that Klayman -- who is now running for the U.S. Senate in Florida -- is also crooked, rather nakedly violating campaign laws by soliciting a loan for a direct-mail house.

Corn also reveals that Klayman is not merely obsessive. He's genuinely nuts:
In an October 2 letter to Richard Scaife--written days after Klayman had lunch with him--Klayman referred to a loan idea. First he laid out his master plan. "As a senator," he wrote, "I will have considerable powers that I did not have at Judicial Watch, including the ability to investigate and prosecute in the Senate Hillary Clinton much like Richard Nixon did with the communist spy Alger Hiss.... if I am someday to run for president, I need the credentials to do so; being a senator will provide me with this. If not this year, Hillary Clinton obviously will run for the presidency in 2008. I plan to oppose her, God be willing." Then he made a pitch: "Dick, once again I need your help to achieve this goal. As explained, I left Judicial Watch without resources and must rely on direct mail to raise the monies to challenge my millionaire opponents. If you know of someone or some entity that can finance the direct mail firm, by providing a loan with an 18 percent return on investment, I would be most grateful." A Scaife spokesperson maintains that Scaife never received this letter. "He has not given one dime to Mr. Klayman's campaign," she adds, "and in fact he discouraged him from running."

That's it! By finally subduing the Evil Clinton invasion, Larry Klayman will become a national hero and a shoo-in for the presidency! What a brilliant strategy! Bwah hahahahahaha.