Monday, May 10, 2004

A Manifesto update

The response to my first draft of the Media Revolt Manifesto has been very rewarding -- largely positive, with a wealth of useful and insightful suggestions, and some pointed criticism as well, though the bulk of that has been constructive as well.

I'm hoping to begin sorting through the responses (there've been several piles' worth) and posting selected offerings tomorrow. If you e-mailed me a private response and don't want your name to appear in the blog, please drop me a note.

A number of other blogs have chimed in. If you have time to read only one, be sure to check out the studied response by Lambert at Corrente, which tries to tackle some of the unaddressed facets of the Revolt.

Cassandra Was Right carries the conversation even further.

And Prometheus 6 has a handy shorter version.

Some other noteworthy responses:

Matt Stoller and Stirling Newberry at The Blogging of the President.




And many thanks to everyone else who gave it a link.

A couple of points of clarification:

-- The Manifesto is intended to be a separate piece from the "Introduction" I wrote for that first post.

-- The purpose of the Manifesto is not to create an organization or impose rules. It's mainly intended as a call to arms with an outline of how to fight back. More later.

-- "Without further adieu" was a joke, son, a joke. Admittedly, an obscure old editor's joke; the "adieu" spelling (as opposed to ado) actually originated with an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. Nyaaah, should have known better ...

And for those who want to print out the first draft and read it in hard copy, here's a PDF file. Just keep in mind it's still a work in progress.

Note: If I get a big bandwidth hit on the PDF file, I may need to ask for donations to cover the costs. Of course, anyone who wants to support my larger efforts at independent journalism should feel free pitch in any old time at the ol' "Donate" button on the left ...

[Thanks to Warbaby for the PDF file conversion.]