You know, the case in which we were wondering why neither the media nor the Attorney General seemed terribly concerned about what seems to be a fairly clear-cut case of domestic terrorism?
Seems the judge initially handling his case wasn't too worried about him, either:
- Weapons keeper, list released
ROCKFORD -- A judge has ordered the conditional release of a Rockford man who kept a hit list of high-ranking U.S. officials and celebrities, such as former Attorney General Janet Reno and filmmaker Michael Moore.
Michael Breit, 20, faces federal explosives charges. Police found the hit list in his apartment last month along with an arsenal of firearms, knives, bomb-making materials, ammunition, such books as "The Anarchist Cookbook" and "The Turner Diaries," and threatening personal writings and drawings.
There were seven names on the list: Reno, Moore, U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin, Sarah Brady, Rosie O'Donnell, U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle and Dan Ortiz, whom court documents say is a political supporter of presidential candidate John Kerry. Each name had the word "marked" written next to it. Breit allegedly told investigators that meant "marked to die."
U.S. Magistrate Judge P. Michael Mahoney, who denied Breit's release pending charges last month, reversed his decision Monday afternoon after hearing testimony from the man's mother, Leslie Breit, and grandfather, Gordon Breit, both of Rockford.
That certainly is an interesting list, isn't it?
Imagine if, say, it had been a Muslim man caught with a similar plan, but targeting John Ashcroft and Rush Limbaugh. Think that might make the evening news?
In any event, another judge with obviously better sense shortly thereafter overruled the magistrate and ordered Breit to remain in jail.
[Thanks to Travis and Shari for the heads-up.]