Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Orcinus on the air

I'm scheduled to appear this afternoon on KOMO-TV's Northwest Afternoon, live at 3 p.m. We'll be discussing Death on the Fourth of July, of course.

I'll also be signing copies of the book tonight at University Bookstore in Seattle (4326 University Way NE) at 7 p.m.

Next Tuesday, Aug. 24, I'm scheduled for an hour-long interview with Steve Scher at KUOW, Seattle's major NPR station (94.9 FM). It's supposed to be from 9 to 10 a.m. as part of its Weekday show.

Whew! Busy schedule.

And of course, I've been remiss in mentioning that I finally met Mark Crispin Miller on Monday night at the Elliott Bay signing for his new book, Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order, which already is ranked No. 58 at Amazon. (Go, Mark, go!)

Mark had to endure an otherworldly interview with Michael Medved while he was here, so by the time I saw him that evening he was still trying to regain his sense of reality, I think. In any event, we had a pleasant beer together and exchanged notes and thoughts. It's especially warming to find someone who still has not succumbed to the weight of outrage fatigue that I think eventually hit most of us who try to deal with the outrageous machinations of this administration.