Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Radio Free Orcinus

Just got back from a very pleasant trip to sunny Southern California. The three of us enjoyed the sun and surf in San Diego for three days, and I got in some media work too.

Most pleasant of all was our Saturday dinner with the esteemed TBogg and his charming and lovely wife. We got to try to Timpani for the first time, and it was a great night of conversation. We owe.

The Friday evening talk at Temecula Valley was worthwhile, even though I was quite rummy from having been up since early early morning. But the audience -- mostly members of the newly formed Not In Our Valley coalition -- was quite engaged, and I was impressed with their determination to make a difference. Thanks again to Kynn Bartlett for setting it all up.

I also was on the San Diego's XETV Fox Morning News program on Monday for a brief discussion of hate crimes.

But unquestionably the most rewarding media time was the hour I spent Sunday in Los Angeles on Ian Masters' Background Briefing on KPFK-FM.

Ian and I ranged across a number of subjects, from hate crimes to fascism and the conservative movement. If you click on the link above, you can get a download that will play the whole hour. Check it out, if you have the time.

Many thanks to producer Louis Vandenberg for setting up the show. (And if you have the time and inclination, you might want to pitch in to help Louis in his decidedly uphill battle for a seat in California's 44th District.)