Friday, November 05, 2004

Radio Free Orcinus

I'll be interviewed this evening by Rachel Robson at KJHK-FM at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. I'll be on between 5 and 6 p.m. PST, or 7 and 8 p.m. in Kansas.

We'll be talking about the rise of pseudo fascism and related topics.

A streaming live broadcast is available at the KJHK site in the link above. I'll post a link to a replay of the broadcast when it comes available.

[Update: KJHK doesn't keep its broadcasts archived, but one of my readers recorded it and, thanks to the kind permission of the folks at KJHK, you can now download it here. Meanwhile, Mark at Norwegianity downloaded a snippet of the interview and then edited a version with music. Thanks, y'all.]