- Alright, that's when things got interesting. His response:
- If you e-mail me again I will get a restraining order from the police that will go on your record.
We have a couple things cowards like you third world pussy country don’t have called freedom of speech and protection from harassment as a result.
Seriously, you are an ugly, ungroomed, smelly asshole fucking coward.
You email me again and see if I am kidding.
Ouch, I’m scared! My response:- I see!
Looks like I touched a nerve ... apparently, there are limits to your sense of humor. Happy to hear that.
And you're either a complete idiot or you have no idea what it means to publish your email address on a public web site!
Now the guy is seriously threatening. I don't know what sort of web site he went to, but he comes back with that:- This was from the FCC. See, you win a couple wars, you got some power. I cut and pasted this from their e-mail:
"Gaoland.net at Boulogne-Billancourt 86.64.11 has just been notified by the United States to an agent at the Federal Communication Commission and will be sanctioned for International Internet freedom of Speech harassment, re: the FCC Internet Protection act of 1997. As a result, an investigation has begun and your Internet access will be suspended immediately until a judgment can be reached within three to six months. Any attempt at contacting Mr. Kaseberg again will result in further charges and a possible permanent suspension as well as possible a criminal charges."
My response:- Just checking if my Internet is still working ...
Pfew! It's still there
By the way, you know where Boulogne-Billancourt is, right?
- If you e-mail me again I will get a restraining order from the police that will go on your record.
Really, you have to read the whole thing to believe it. [Via Sadly, No!]