Thursday, July 26, 2007
Add this to your blogroll
-- by Dave
The folks at the Southern Poverty Law Center have been busy these days: their latest Intelligence Report is chock full of excellent work, some of which I'll be commenting on soon (particularly the report on the San Diego Minutemen and Heidi Beirich's superlative deconstruction of the latest round of conspiracy theories from the far right).
But you all need to check out the new SPLC blog, Hatewatch. It kicked off this week with an excellent brief history of how a certain video -- which you can view at the top of this post -- played a role in bringing down William Pierce's neo-Nazi organization, the National Alliance. It follows up today with news of two new lawsuits filed in an effort to bring a halt to Ku Klux Klan activity.
Check 'em out, add 'em to your favorites. The journalists at the Intelligence Report do phenomenonal work.