Tuesday, August 28, 2007

In Solidarity

-- by Sara

On the occasion of the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, they're flying their American flags upside down in New Orleans tomorrow -- lest anyone think for a minute they're not still in world-class distress.

And, just to add insult to injury: Bush is coming to town for a visit.

Will it be another top-down flyover? A chance to get out the guitar and share a few tunes on Trent Lott's porch? Or perhaps a riveting codpiece dance and a dramatic declaration of "Mission Accomplished"? With Little Boots, one just never knows....

Even Karl Rove would have realized that a presidential visit to commemorate the destruction of New Orleans would be in the very worst taste possible. Is this is the best idea Bush's remaining handlers could come up with?

If so, it's clear that everybody with even one functioning synapse has now officially left the building.

h/t El Gato Negro.