Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I've been busy

-- by Dave

Some of you may have noticed that I began guest-blogging this week at The Big Con, Rick Perlstein's blog for the Campaign for America's Future. I was pleased and honored when Rick asked if I'd like to be a regular contributor -- I'm a big fan of both his journalistic work and his blog. I'll be posting on Mondays, and it'll all be original content, so be sure to look for it there, though I'll be posting links here as well.

The first one went up yesterday: The Right's Base Behavior


And while I'm at it, be sure to check out a piece I published last week at Crosscut examining how well Seattle police are handling bias-crime investigations. I put a lot of work into this one, and even though it's about local police work, I think you'll be able to see it has broader ramifications:

Crimes of hate: Sometimes justice is blind to the obvious

In the meantime, stay tuned for our regular postings ...