This week's post at Blog For Our Future is about Jeremiah Wright, who (as it turns out) has a long history of being one of liberal Christianity's most stubborn and durable bulwarks against a variety of conservative efforts to corrupt the Christian message. That fact, it turns out, has everything to do with why the Wright story won't die -- and why the right wing will stop at nothing to take him down.
I talk about how this battle has been fought on a couple of fronts. There's a lot about Obama and Wright (and, for that matter, John Hagee and Rod Parsley) that doesn't really come into focus until you know the whole backstory. If you want some context the media's not giving you, check it out. As usual, ratings love is always appreciated.
A lot of the information in this post came from Sarah Posner's new book, God's Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters, which is a short, brisk, very enlightening read.
And yes, I know I'm on deck to write another post or two on the FLDS. Now that this is done, that's coming up next. Stand by.