Thursday, July 24, 2008

All apologies

-- by Dave

Hey all. It probably seems like I've dropped off the face of the earth over here at my little blog. I've been swacked by:

-- A trip to the San Juans where I was completely out of touch.

-- Meeting a deadline for my months-long investigative project on the Minutemen. (More about that later.)

-- Heading off to Austin for Netroots Nation.

-- Plus the exigencies of being managing editor at Firedoglake.

Upcoming, I also have a trip to the Democratic National Convention on the schedule.

It's been quite a summer.

I've decided that, for the time being (or at least until I have more time) I'll just largely be cross-posting from FDL here. I know that a lot of you are having trouble finding my stuff at FDL (though you can always check here).

And to make up for the last couple of weeks, I'm going to start off with the video I made in the San Juans. Followed by some of my better FDL posts of the past few weeks.

Back in action. Hope to see you all here.