So it seems Sarah Palin – or at least one of her speechwriters – has been reading Westbrook Pegler. Here’s the Pegler quote she recited in her now Teh Awesomest Acceptance Speech Evah!
A writer observed: "We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty, sincerity, and dignity." I know just the kind of people that writer had in mind when he praised Harry Truman.
[It was] "regrettable that Giuseppe Zangara hit the wrong man when he shot at Roosevelt in Miami."
Here are some other things that writer observed:
[It is] "clearly the bounden duty of all intelligent Americans to proclaim and practice bigotry." (November 1963)
[His proposal for "smashing" the AF of L and the CIO was for the state to take them over.] "Yes, that would be fascism," he wrote. "But I, who detest fascism, see advantages in such fascism."
"I am a member of the rabble in good standing" [in a column that defended a lynching in California]
Oh, and Harry Truman, the president he supposedly was extolling? Pegler called him a “thin-lipped hater”.
That’s some fine political mentoring Palin has going on there, dontcha think?