Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Tucker Carlson eats crow over wishing that Michael Vick had been executed

-- by Dave

It's always fun to a smug little prick like Tucker Carlson with his mouth full of crow feathers. Which was what he was munching on last night on Sean Hannity's Fox News show.

Hannity clearly invited Carlson back on, after guest-hosting Hannity last week, so that he could walk back that off-the-wall remark wishing that Michael Vick had been executed for torturing dogs to death. And so he did.

Carlson made clear he meant for it all just to be a big joke -- he was just exaggerating for comic purposes. Which no doubt is why all the guests were just rolling in the aisles after he said it.

HANNITY: All right. Tucker, take one big vacation, a year, just one.

CARLSON: I don't take a lot of vacation like other people.

HANNITY: Some take a ton of it. So, I take one, two weeks off, my big vacation. And what do I have to read on the blogs, is that you are destroying the show. You are absolutely, you're creating controversy. Wanting Michael Vick to get the death penalty. Let's roll the tape.


CARLSON: I'm a Christian, I've made mistakes myself, I believe fervently in second chances. But Michael Vick killed dogs and he did in a heartless and cruel way. And I think personally, he should have been executed for that. He wasn't. But the idea that the president of the United States would be getting behind someone who murdered dogs, kind of beyond the pale.

HANNITY: All right. Do you really want him -- do you really think he should -- I'm asking.

CARLSON: This is what happens when you get too emotional. And look, the bottom line is I'm a dog lover. I've had dogs my whole life, we have three of them now, I love them. And I know a lot about what Michael Vick did, what he admitted doing, and I'm not going to get into it Sean, because it's too upsetting frankly. But if you take some time, anybody who takes some time and looks into how he mistreated these dogs and personally tortured them to death, gets upset. And I, you know, I over spoke. I'm uncomfortable with the death penalty under any circumstances. Of course, I don't think he should be executed. But I do think what he did is truly appalling.

HANNITY: Look, I too -- I mean, I am a dog lover's dog lover. You know, a very few things that made me cry, I lost my dog of 16 years snowball, and it broke my heart, literally.

CARLSON: I know the feeling, yes.

HANNITY: And, you know, if you read Mark Levin's book, "Rescuing Sprite," it really details all the pains and suffering that love and joy that you get from a dog.

CARLSON: Exactly.

HANNITY: Here's -- I'm a Christian too as you said in your opening comments here. He spent a couple years in jail. He lost a huge contract. He's been working, I think he's made 60 appearances with Animal Rights Groups. So, he's working with Tony Dungy. Shouldn't we believe in redemption in the sense that he's showing a level of continued commitment to righting his life?

CARLSON: Yes. Maybe, but as a friend of mine pointed out, I mean, a convicted child molester doesn't get to adopt -- look, I'm just saying.


Look, I'm not comparing him to a child molester. I'm merely saying that because Michael Vick says, you know, I'm rehabilitated now and hires a bunch of pr guys to make that case on his behalf. That he makes donations to a bunch of humane society type organizations doesn't mean the rest of us can't be disgusted by what he did. That's my only point.

HANNITY: I'm disgusted too. I'm torn inasmuch as, only time will tell if he's really the word repentance from the Latin is to change your heart. If he really is sincere and he stays with these groups and he continues down the path that he's on. At some point, I think we got to take our foot off his neck and say, OK, you've proven that you really are rehabilitated.

CARLSON: There's no question. But there is a line of several million rehabilitated people who I would like to see the president congratulate before he congratulates Michael Vick.

Bet Hannity thinks twice before inviting this incompetent boob back to run his show, though.

[Cross-posted at Crooks and Liars.