Greetings, everybody. It's been a long while since I posted. I spent 2011 on a year-long sabbatical from writing, and taking care of family business. We moved back from Vancouver, BC to the US, buying a new house in Seattle (I'm less than two miles from Neiwert as the crow flies now). I finished my MS. And my last baby launched himself into the world. Along the way, I did a lot of reading and a little consulting, and basically regrouped for the next stage of the long, strange trip that's life.
But now I'm back. Starting last week, I've got my own page at I've taken over the Visions page, where I'm putting my shiny new futures degree to work pulling together big-think stories about where we're going as a nation, and how we can realistically set about bringing the progressive vision for America into being.
The new page will include interviews with some of our best and brightest thinkers; articles on people who are figuring out solutions and getting things right; and continued coverage of the conflicts that always ensue when one exhausted worldview starts passing away, and another new one emerges to take it's place. (I think that's what's going on now, and everything we've always done here was, in some way, coverage of that basic conflict.)
If you'd like to keep up with what I'm doing now, your best bet is to subscribe to Alternet's weekly Visions newsletter, which will hit your mailbox with the best of my new page every Thursday. (The link is here -- scroll down to the "Media" section and click on the Visions button to subscribe.)
It's a bigger soapbox, with room for all of us and plenty of new friends. Come on by when you get the chance. I've missed you.