-- by Dave
Hi all. It's been awhile, hasn't it?
As many of whatever few readers I have remaining are probably aware, I've been running John Amato's blog Crooks and Liars for most of the past four years or so. Initially I cross-posted all my C&L work over here, but it wound up just being too much extra work at a time when I was overwhelmed with it. So gradually the cross-posting went away.
However, I stepped down as C&L's managing editor this past December and have now retired to the greener pastures of being a Senior Editor there. Lately I've hardly been posting at all. I wouldn't exactly say I'm retired from blogging, but I have taken a hiatus.
Much of what will be preoccupying my attention for the next several months will be signing and promoting my new book, And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border, which is hitting bookstore shelves March 26. I'll have more on it here soon.
But I'm hoping to get back to blogging, too. What I really would like to do is get back to blogging here as I originally conceived it -- a sketchboard for larger projects, a chance to work out some long-form writing, plus the usual nuggets from subjects that interest me.
Increasingly, a lot of that will be killer whale-related. This summer I'll be doing serious research on my next book, whose working title is Of Orcas and Men: What Killer Whales Can Teach Us. It will be an abrupt departure from my previous work on right-wing extremists, but one that people who know me understand fully.
I'll also be going back and back-filling my old C&L posts, finally cross-posting them here. Just so the record will be complete.
As you can see, I spruced the place up a few weeks ago. Hope those of you who enjoyed my old original blog of ten years ago will pull up a chair and join me from time to time.