Neiwert's insights after covering right-wing extremism movements, his gift with language, his considerable storytelling skills all combine to make And Hell Followed With Her a near compulsive—and frightening—read. His ability to combine the history of these various organizations with the more immediate crime, and his analysis of the mindset of those who spent their lives immersed in the delusions of the right wing, make this book an important one, one with implications that reach far beyond one woman, two deaths and one border town.If you'd like a sample, AlterNet published the entirety of Chapter 12 at its website:
The Anti-Immigrant Paranoia That Drives Shawna Forde to 'Patrol' the American Border
You may also want to peruse the discussion of the book that occurred Sunday at the Firedoglake Book Salon (thanks to Brian Tashman for hosting, and to Bev Wright for arranging everything).
Finally, here's the audio of my interview with Steve Scher at KUOW-FM earlier this week:
I think you'll find that what they're saying is true: This book is a must-read, not just important but compelling as hell too.
Cross-posted from Crooks and Liars.