A lot of people have noticed that it's become more common for right-wing talkers to be openly racist on the airwaves and the intertoobs, and then when confronted on it to double down and claim that there's nothing wrong with it. More and more, the "mainstream media" are letting them get away with it. And there's a consequence for that.
When this happens, the closet and not-so-closet racists start coming out of the woodwork. They see these signals as indications of implicit approval for their worldviews, and so they become emboldened to speak out and eventually to act out. Like the ex-Canadian who wants to create another all-white enclave in North Dakota.
This was his plan:
Until political control were established, there would be the slight possibility that new local regs designed to limit our expansion might be tried. We could oppose those if that happenstance were implemented. The numericals are absol-utely miniscule. However, dedicated, hard-working folks are needed. Imagine strolling over to your neighbors to discuss world politics with nearly all like-minded volk [sic]. Imagine the international publicity and usefulness to our cause! For starters, we could declare a Mexican illegal invaders and Israeli Mossad/IDF spies no-go zone. If leftist journalists or antis come and try to make trouble, they just might break one of our local ordinances and would have to be arrested by our town constable. See?Of course, this is all reminiscent of previous efforts in the wide-open West to create a far-right enclave. We all remember the Aryan Nations, don't we? Their plan was to create a "white homeland" in the Pacific Northwest. That didn't turn out so well.
Likewise, we also had Bo Gritz's would-be militia enclave in the 1990s that called itself "Almost Heaven". Again, it didn't end so well.
There is even an ongoing effort in Benewah County, Idaho, though there has been a notable silence from these folks in recent months, which is usually a good sign.
Similarly, it seems the North Dakota plan isn't working out so well:
Cobb, 61, a self-described white supremacist, has purchased about a dozen lots in the community about 60 miles southwest of Bismarck. Over the past year he's invited fellow white supremacists to move there and help him to transform the town of 16 people into a white enclave. No one has come.Most likely a blip on the radar. Of perhaps more ominous note was this recent surfacing of a neo-Nazi with a cache of weapons:
Federal agents were tracking Ohio resident Richard Schmidt’s imports of counterfeit sports jerseys when they stumbled upon his arsenal of 18 guns, more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition, and bulletproof body armor. Besides the arsenal, he had lists of Jewish and black leaders in Detroit, MI. He is also an ex-felon who killed a Hispanic man and wounded two others 24 years ago.And let's not forget that sovereign-citizen couple in Nevada who were planning to abduct, torture and kill police officers:
Las Vegas authorities may be looking for additional suspects, likely members of the antigovernment “sovereign citizens” movement, after the arrest this week of a couple allegedly planning to kidnap, jail, torture and kill police officers.Pretty soon, we'll be seeing these folks show up for sympathetic interviews on Fox.
Convicted sex offender David Allen Brutsche, 42, and a woman described as his roommate, 67-year-old Devon Campbell Newman, are in the Clark County Detention Center in Las Vegas on charges of conspiracy to commit first-degree kidnapping, conspiracy to commit murder and attempted kidnapping.
Police describe both as being “sovereign citizens”.
“Blood or no blood – it doesn’t matter,” Brutsche told an undercover officer in July, according to the arrest report, the Las Vegas Sun reported Thursday. “I will kill anyone that tries to stop the cause of liberty,” Brutsche is quoted as saying in the police reports, adding, “I have no qualms about it.”
Cross-posted at Crooks and Liars.