Right wing militia claims it is targetting local anarchists
This source is not entirely reliable; the writer is an activist in the so-called 'anarchist' movement. Of course, this bias reveals itself in the headline; it's clear that antiwar protesters are the primary target of these militiamen.
However, the piece cites the militiamen's own Usenet and Web posts, which make the point clearly:
- I can however tell you that we do believe in the first Amendment and the exercise of it by protestors, however we feel that some people/groups have stepped across that fine line between use and abuse of their Constitutional rights. To us they have yelled "fire" in a crowded theatre. We know the police are being harassed and baited into taking actions against these protestors that of course they will exploit in the media, police brutality etc. To this point these extremists have not succeeded in doing the job.
We feel it is past time to Eliminate this element from our society. we feel it is our Patriotic duty. At almost any other time their protests would not be a bother to us but due to the nature of our Countries [sic] current situation, and the fact that we have been watching the activities of this/these groups for over 6 months (and before they even started their Anti-war campaign) we know for a fact that the Anti-Government and Anti-American Ideals that many of these people have are Parallel to that of domestic terrorists.
'Necrotic State' also reports that at the now-defunct militia Web site where this appeared, Gun Policy Center, a banner headline earlier read: "The only good protester is one with a bullet in their head."
Of course, I'm sure the Wall Street Journal op-ed page would assure us that this is only intended for humorous effect.
[A tip o' the Hatlo hat to reader MJ for the tip on this.]