Remember when she urged, regarding Muslims:
- "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
Of course, we have been assured by no less worthy a source than the Wall Street Journal editorial page that Coulter's remarks are only for humorous effect, as it were: "Why would anybody even pretend to believe that Ms. Coulter ... wishes to convert all Muslims forcibly to Christianity?"
Why indeed.
Now comes this:
Plans Under Way for Christianizing the Enemy
- Two leading evangelical Christian missionary organizations said Tuesday that they have teams of workers poised to enter Iraq to address the physical and spiritual needs of a large Muslim population.
The Southern Baptist Convention, the country's largest Protestant denomination, and the Rev. Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse said workers are near the Iraq border in Jordan and are ready to go in as soon as it is safe. The relief and missionary work is certain to be closely watched because both Graham and the Southern Baptist Convention have been at the heart of controversial evangelical denunciations of Islam, the world's second largest religion.
Gee, I wonder how well Graham's line about Islam being "a very evil and wicked religion" will work out there.
Maybe if they just name themselves the Ann Coulter Brigade ...
[A tip o' the Hatlo hat to reader TruthToPower -- who wants me to cry 'fascism' already. Sorry, not yet. But damn, we are getting warmer all the time.]