Sunday, May 04, 2003

Media atrocity alert

Sally Jenkins, writing in the Washington Post about a couple of college coaches getting the boot for acting like horny old men:

For Mature Audiences Only
The coaching profession should take notice: Grown-ups are running this country again. Whether you like the fact or not, people such as Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are in charge, responsibility is the new chic and there is extremely low public tolerance for overserved boyish high jinks from people who are paid to be leaders.

Oh yes, indeed, Sally. They are so very mature that they didn't believe they needed to heed the warnings about terrorism from that "overserved" and "boyish" predecessor. Look where all that maturity got us.

And while we're at it, we also need sportswriters who write like grownups -- not as wide-eyed toadies and propagandists for the White House.