Thursday, May 08, 2003

Nascent brownshirts

Gil Smart over at Smart Remarks had some salient comments the other day regarding the virulence of the primordial ooze that's being excreted by the right these days. He first quotes a post from the Little Green Footballs comments, during a discussion about Saudi funding of terrorism:
To most people, 15 million smackers is a LOT of money, but this token funding pales in comparison to the billions in funding by the Saudis of the cause of Wahhabism in another country. That country would be the United States of America.

Whether or not the street knows it -- and they don't -- we are now in the early phases of the fight for our existence as a nation, and as the standard-bearers of the idea of democracy.

We have most of the EU and a good portion of NATO aligned against us -- the old school appeasers of Europe -- and most of the Arabic nations, and third-world oppressor nations as well. They are starting to sense a common ground of opposition to our position, which is one of self-determination of man.

That is very dangerous to all these folks, as they represent the dictator and dictator-enabler; the rapists and the voyeurs who profit from the rapes of mankind.

This war won't be quick, or easy. We will undoubtedly end up being forced to kill off some of our own citizens in order to protect the ideas set down by our framers over 200 hundred years ago.

It's happening now, and suddenly, and we are right in the midst of it. It is going to get bloody and scary and desperate before all is finished and a victor emerges.

I hope and believe that the victor will be the one that represents rightness and honor, because otherwise it means the end of democracy on earth, another untold dozens or hundreds or thousands of years of terror.

IndyMedia is part of the problem. We can't just go up and shoot these people for their hatred and ignorance, just like Israel cannot just wipe out the people in the PA controlled lands. Militant Islam KNOWS these things, and will be using them to coalesce the forces of their believers and sympathizers to undermine the efforts for equality and peace until, and if, they are defeated.

Is everyone ready? The time is here, and now.

Prepare yourselves.

Gil correctly boils down the salient points:
* Everyone is against us.

* They are using our own system against us.

* Thus, there will need to be a purge -- "We will undoubtedly end up being forced to kill off some of our own citizens in order to protect the ideas set down by our framers over 200 hundred years ago."

* That purge will be justified.

* Because we represent the forces of "rightness and honor."
Gil goes on to explore the significant ramifications of this kind of thinking; go read his post. I should add that what stood out in this post was the obvious eliminationist thrust of the argument, which is the most disturbing aspect of its fairly clear-cut fascistic nature.

I try not to get too worked up over either Usenet posts or blog comments, but I agree that the appearance of this kind of thinking is becoming increasingly common, and that is a cause for concern.