Sunday, August 08, 2004

Busy, busy

Just got back from my 30-year high school reunion in Idaho Falls, Idaho (Skyline, class of '74). This was the first time I've attended any of these functions, and I was surprised by how pleasant and, in a strange way, moving the whole event was.

It was fun to see old friends, but I was most of all touched by some of the quieter stories people had to tell about their lives in the intervening years: the tragedies, the difficulties, the small triumphs. The common story, really, was that we all found a way to persevere, which is a very human story. And this was as true as the formerly "popular" kids as those of us who dwelt more on the edges.

Anyway, sorry for the absence. I thought I'd have Internet access, but it didn't manage to materialize. I should have known better.

Monday's a really busy day. I'll be interviewed this afternoon, between 2 and 3 p.m. PDT, on Seattle's KIRO-AM, on the Dori Monson show. They seem not to have a live Webcast, but hopefully a portion of the show will be featured on their highlights. In the meantime, looks like only Seattle-area listeners can tune in.

Then, of course, I'll give a talk and sign books tonight at Elliott Bay Book Company. Hoping to see some familiar faces tonight, and looking forward to meeting some new ones.