- Kerry has strong lead in Washington state
OLYMPIA -- Washington state, once considered a fiercely competitive presidential battleground, is firmly in Democrat John Kerry's column heading into the final weeks of a volatile campaign, according to new polls.
Kerry, who considers the three West Coast states a key part of his electoral math to defeat President Bush, led the Republican president 51 percent to 42 percent among Washington respondents, according to a poll commissioned by The Columbian newspaper of Vancouver, Wash.
In the latest Elway Poll, Kerry leads 52 percent to 38 percent.
... A Republican presidential candidate hasn't carried Washington since Ronald Reagan's re-election bid of 1984. The Bush-Cheney ticket lost the state by 5.6 percentage points in 2000.
The new polls suggests the trend will continue.
"This is one of Kerry's better states in the country" and Washington no longer seems to be a battleground state, said Columbian pollster Thom Riehle, president of Ipsos-Public Affairs in Washington, D.C.
I think the Democratic worrywarts need to settle down and get real. In the meantime, of course, we should become accustomed to the media script that "Bush has opened a substantial lead", and take it with about a quarry of salt.
Anyway, there was also this great Horsey cartoon: