Monday, September 20, 2004

Pseudo-fascism at work

[Lexi Thompson, state director for the Democratic National Party, shows where “Louisiana for Kerry” signs were burned at the doorstep of the local office. A large sign was also stolen and pro-Bush words were painted on the windows. P.C. Piazza/The Lafayette Daily Advertiser]

This story pretty much speaks for itself:
Vandals target local Democrats' office for second time

LAFAYETTE -- Vandals set fire to signs and wrote pro-President Bush messages on the front of Lafayette's Democratic Party Headquarters, the second time the office was hit by vandals.

The remnants of a small fire fueled with John Kerry/John Edwards campaign signs remained on the front steps of the headquarters at 310 Buchanan St. in downtown Lafayette on Thursday morning.

A mixture of ash from the fire and what appeared to be motor oil was used to smear "4+ GWB" across the front windows and "W" on the headquarters' door.

The office was closed Thursday because of Hurricane Ivan. The building's owner found the damage Thursday morning when he checked on the building, said Lexi Thompson, state director of the National Coordinated Campaign.

"Obviously, this vandalism is an attempt to intimidate volunteers and the Democratic effort," said Mike Skinner of Lafayette, chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party. "This is not Iraq. This is Louisiana. Issues will decide this election, not intimidation."

The situation could have been even more dangerous because the fire was set at the front door of the headquarters, Thompson said.

"Thank God we didn't have anybody here this morning," she said. "They were trying to harm us."

But, you know, the way some people talk, you'd think all the violence in this campaign is supposed to be coming from the left.

[A hat tip to Rob Salkowitz.]