Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fund-raiser thanks

Well, with the Orcinus fund-raising week now all wrapped up for another year, it's time for me to say a big thanks to everyone who anted up to keep the blog running for another year.

The final came in at about $3,300 -- a little below last year's total, but actually very high given that the sheer number of donations dropped off quite a bit this year. Those who did give were very generous, and that's very heartening.

I'd also like to say thanks to the folks who linked to the fund-raiser this year, because getting the word out on these things is so critical to their success. Forthwith, here's a big shout-out to the friends who directed readers this way:
Avedon Carol
Steve Gilliard's News Blog
Booman Tribune

Many thanks again to all. Here's hoping you enjoy the next year's worth of writing.