Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's fundraising week!

-- by Dave

As I discuss in more detail below, this week marks the annual Orcinus fund-raising drive. It's the one time of the year when I ask readers to toss some change into my cup as a way of keeping Orcinus operating. Since I don't use ads, it remains the one source of income I can obtain through blogging.

Last year's fund-raiser was remarkably successful, bringing in a little over $4,000. I'm terribly grateful to everyone who's donated over the past year, because it definitely helps make all the work worthwhile. And I'm also very grateful to the many friends who directed readers here to help out during the fund-raising.

Try to think of it as a kind of subscription: Orcinus, I hope, remains a unique place for getting news and analysis you won't find anywhere else. Your nickels help keep it going.

Just click on the PayPal button on the upper left. If that doesn't work for you, my snail-mail address is P.O. Box 17872, Seattle, WA 98107.

[This post will remain atop the blog for the week.]