[Cross-posted at Crooks and Liars.]
You can tell that Keith Olbermann scored some serious points in his special comment of last week attacking the wingnuts at Fox News, because Glenn Beck and his radio cohort, Pat Gray, spent a long, long time attacking and deriding it and giggling at it the next day.
Somehow, the doofuses at the Right Scoop concluded that this display destroyed Olbermann and made Beck look good. Watch the video and judge for yourself.
Some things stand out as pretty obvious:
- Beck really is stupid. Who else would purposely conflate Alfred Dreyfus with Richard Dreyfuss? Obviously Beck knows the difference -- the fact that he knows this is French history makes clear he knows about the Dreyfus case. (And in fact Dreyfuss made a film, Prisoner of Honor
about the case -- though he actually played the attorney who obtained
Dreyfus' exoneration.) If Beck thinks this kind of obscuranist humor is
funny to anyone outside of the control room, he's every bit the moron he
seems to think Olbermann is.
- Speaking of which, Keith Olbermann did indeed graduate from an ag school -- at Cornell.
Considering that Glenn Beck couldn't even make it through a single
semester of college ... well, let's just say he's not exactly in any
position to deride anyone else's education. (And besides, what does Beck
have against agricultural colleges? Sarah Palin graduated from one too,
- The Dreyfus affair was not just French history, nor even merely
world history. It was one of the more significant points in history,
period -- a seminal point in terms of institutionalized racism,
specifically anti-Semitism, in government, and one of the most
significant precursors of the Holocaust. The fact that the analogy just
blows right by Beck and Gray -- them with their giggling and exaggerated
rolling "r"s of Breitbart -- just shows them to be the ignoramuses they
are proud of being.
- Finally, we know Beck said he dried out, but are we sure? This looked more like two stoned teenagers finding everything they say hilarious when no one else does.
[H/t Nicole for the input.]