Even on his way out the door, would-have-been
white-supremacist movement leader Kyle Hunt – progenitor of the
nationwide “White Man’s March” last month that drew a trickle of
participants and a flood of derision – managed to demonstrate the contagiously
vile nature of his politics.
Only a couple of weeks before penning
his recent letter of resignation, Hunt also published a post urging his
remaining followers to try out some creative means of spreading their message –
namely, “Diversity = White Genocide,” the slogan shown at all of the March’s
events. Hunt’s favorite idea: Put “pro-white” messages in Easter eggs and spread them around neighborhoods.
Sure enough – as WRIC-TV
reports, someone took him up on the idea. Easter eggs with racist messages
were planted around a suburban Virginia neighborhood this weekend. And sure
enough, the messages were precisely those promoting the White Man’s March
Parents, unsurprisingly, were shocked and appalled:
“We don't want other kids around here who can read being like, 'Hey mommy what's the million man white march or what's the genocide1 project?' Most of us don't want to explain genocide to our 6-year-olds,” said Jackie.
"It's disturbing knowing my son is walking around the yard a lot and finding that. It’s something he may find and have questions about that not necessarily at his age –I want to explain to him. That there are people in this world who don't think everyone is equal,” said Brandon Smith.
They found several more in people's yards, leaving residents in disbelief.
"Everybody's shocked. We are genuinely floored. Why would somebody do this? Why here?"
Of course, Hunt had promoted his idea with a disingenuous caveat: “Since we are not targeting children, think of some ways to get these eggs into the hands of adults.” Obviously, that did not work out so well.
Planting Easter eggs with white=supremacist messages in them where children can find them is actually not a new tactic or idea, though Hunt seemed to think it was. Neo-Nazis in Pekin, Ill., used a similar tactic back in 2009, and members of the Aryan Nations in Auburn, Mich., did likewise in 2010. Indeed, the idea dates back at least as far as 2006 when neo-Nazis in Olympia, Wash., mixed their white-supremacy messages with pornography for the kids to find.