An extortion racket by a hate group from my neck of the woods:
Web link infuriates senators
[Must register at Post-Dispatch]
At least eight Ohio state senators' names are linked on the Internet with a white supremacist group calling itself a "nonviolent civil-rights organization'' that recruits members and sells flags, jewelry, bumper stickers and clothing such as Caucasian jeans.
Internet records show that a Seattle political organization has purchased the rights to Web domains under the senators' names -- for
example, -- and redirected the domains to the Web page of the National Association for the Advancement of White People, which calls for "equal rights for all; special privileges for none.''
It gives the appearance that the senators support the group when the Web site pops up under their names.
"Aren't you sick of reverse discrimination, busing, minority welfare rip-offs, massive immigration, gun control, anti-white movies and TV shows?'' reads the Web page statement of beliefs. "Do you want to see America become like Mexico or South Africa or Uganda?''
Later, we get a name connected with the scam:
The domains for the senators' names were registered to the Council on Political Accountability in Seattle on Jan. 9 for a one-year period. However,, a domain-registration company, reports that the eight domains are for sale on eBay with 25 percent of the proceeds earmarked for the American Cancer Society.
Jeremy Stamper, the administrative contact for the Seattle council, did not return a telephone call seeking comment.
I haven't met Stamper that I'm aware of (though it's always possible I have, since I like to talk to a lot of rank-and-file types when I attend far-right gatherings), but I've had extensive contact with one of the leaders of another Duke operation based in Tacoma, the National Organization For European-American Rights (NOFEAR), a guy named David Jensen. Jensen raised a stink when a Seattle Asian-American stabbed to death a white man who was in the process of committing a hate crime against him. I covered the trial, and Jensen showed up for one day. The victim's mother chased him away.